Tuesday 18 September 2007


The Red Star Learning Centre hosted the second Rep's Forum for Southeastern RULRs on Monday 17th September.

With attendance at over 60% (some were on their hols in Spain Karl) the venue was buzzing with enthusiasm and fresh ideas on how to maximise on the success we have had so far.

Their were several threads that ran through the forum one of which was that whilst we are all prepared to put a good bit of our own time towards achieving the goals we have set. The Company whilst at higher level are extremely supportive and indeed many managers at local and middle level have really engaged with us, there are still some who are reluctant to trust their staff by releasing them to carry out the work that is required. There were several members of the company Lifelong Learning Steering Group present and they agreed to feed this back to the LLSG.

The Reps were also asked to think about a new system for electing their union Lead Learning Rep which will be discussed at Forum 3 in December 2007.

There were lots of other activities during the day including a team building excercise, a presentation from Ivor Riddell on the importance of public relations in promoting Adult Learning in the workplace and a presentation on the use of IT in supporting the role of the learning Rep by Kendal May.

Another thread that passed through the day was that whilst we were enjoying great success in some areas such as Medway this was patchy and manyb areas were feeling on the fringe, which could be disheartening to learners and Reps alike.

Mike Sargent said we would look at setting up roadshows around the company taking learning opportunities to those in the more remote locations and look at more innovative ways of delivering distance learning for those who can't access regular classes.

The day was a great success and the buffet lunch was lovely, not much left for the station staff to pick over at the end I'm afraid.

If anyone is interested in improving their key skills or signing up for one of our many courses then simply email rslc-c@hotmail.co.uk or Tel: 01634 815909

1 comment:

Kendal May said...

What's stopping YOU from going back to learning?

"I haven't got the time"

That old excuse! Learning is so much more flexible these days, allowing you to study when and where it suits you: whether it's at the weekend, evenings, or even on-line. Learn in bite-sized chunks, and ask for support whenever you need it.

"I was hopeless at school"

You've moved on since school! With all the experience you've gained, you'll have lots of insights and experience to bring to your learning. Adult learning can be great fun and very fulfilling.

"I won't know anyone"

Everyone will be in the same boat as you! And one of the bonuses of attending a class like that is that you get to meet like-minded people - people who want to change their lives for the better. It's a great way to make new friends as well as learning something new.

"I can't afford it"

You might be surprised to know that many organisations offer low-cost or even free courses. They'll also point you towards help with funding if you need it. There's always a way - just ask.